Public Member Directory

 Welcome to our Members Public Directory!   Not all members of ATSS are listed in this directory.  The Public Directory is available only to those members who have requested that their selected information be listed in the Public Directory.

It is important that all members listed in this public directory are respected.  We, the Board of Directors of ATSS, encourage a high level of confidentiality, professionalism, ethical boundaries, and especially, overall safety to all.

If you are an ATSS member and wish to be added to this Public Directory, please contact our office and leave an email message with our administrator at:  [email protected]

The information provided on this Public Directory is limited to member contact information provided by ATSS Members only and does not include administrative information and records that are maintained on a confidential ATSS database.  If you are a member seeking your membership and/or certification status, please email our administrator at:  [email protected]

